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Skotizo is a demon boss who is solo which you can fight beneath the Catacombs that lie beneath Kourend. In order to access Skotizo one must give up an entire Dark Totem, which you can build from three different totem pieces dropped by all monsters in the Catacombs. It could take a long time to gather all three pieces, which is why it’s difficult to ‘farm Skotizo in the similar way as other bosses who are solo, such as Zulrah or Vorkath – he does, however, offer some high-quality drops. He’s also the only boss to have an 100% rate of drop for Clue Scrolls.
The most common strategy used by Skotizo is to just gear to maximize DPS while trying to find a mix of melee and magical defence. Skotizo tends to use melee attacks when close to melee, but may occasionally use magic attacks. This is why you should pray melee when you’re within melee range.
Skotizo will occasionally activate the Awakened Altars that are located on the sides of the room, in North South West, East and the West side of the room. For each Altar that is active Skotizo will gain defence. If you are a maxed player, you may be able to leave all 4 Awakened Altars in active use and be able to penetrate Skotizo’s defense, but in the event that you don’t have 90+ statistics, it is recommended that you not allow more than two Altars in active status at once.
If you’re running around the room , trying to take on the altar, you must switch your prayer to protect from magic to avoid taking injury from Skotizo’s magic attacks.
As with all demons, Skotizo is prone to the effects in demonbane-based weapons. If currently in a black or greater demon assignment, Skotizo could be also susceptible to Black mask or Slayer helmet benefits.
Generally, the best method to fight Skotizo is to employ Arclight as well as wear armor with the highest Magic Defence (e.g. black dragonhide armour) and keep Protect from Melee activated, so the sole attack is due to Skotizo’s magical attacks. If the player is able to purchase one, a twisting bow can be the most effective weapon to fight Skotizo, and it can be used in close range while praying Protect from Magic to do absolutely no damage. A Dragon warhammer also works during battle due to its unique effects, however those who do not have one can use the Arclight special attack for similar results.
In any moment during the fight Skotizo may randomly activate Awakened Altars in the north east, south and west central parts within the space. These Altars each have 100 Hitpoints in each, enhance the defense of the player and also provide the effect of reducing damage when they are activated. It is best to get them removed whenever they are in the presence of two or more since they can dramatically boost its defense and decrease damage by up to 60 percent using Arclight and up to 100% with other weapons (15 percent and 25% per tower respectively). When travelling to disable the Awakened Altars, the user should switch temporarily to protect from Magic, as Skotizo does not close in to use melee attacks. Arclight will instantly disable them with one blow, no matter what the stats of the user and equipment; this effect does not apply to the demonbane spells found in the Arceuus spellbook. Potions for stamina are advised as you will have to run around to disable the Altars. Note that the presence of an Arclight available or even in the inventory of a player can cause more altars to appear. This is why players who want to lower their cost of stamina potions or simply prefer less running might not prefer using the Arclight. Toxic blowpipes are an excellent weapon to fight altars in the case that the player does not have Arclight.
If Skotizo’s health is depleted, it summons three demons spawned from reanimation to aid it. Skotizo may also summon Dark Ankou in order to aid in unspecified circumstances. If the player uses Protect from Melee and they are not in danger, they present no threat. If the minions have been killed Skotizo could summon them once more. So, fighting minions is not beneficial therefore the player should concentrate on Skotizo as well as the Altars.
Skotizo Drops OSRS
The most pressing question regarding Skotizo on OSRS is more than likely the reward you can possibly get for defeating Skotizo the boss. The typical drop amount for winning Skotizo is about 167K gp. You will see drops of Ashes and the Clue Scroll (hard) plus a guarantee of at least one old shard. There’s a slim chance that you could roll Skotizo’s sub-table, which includes cut Dragonstone or uncut Onyx.
There’s also a chance of getting rune armour as well in addition to runes such as Death, Soul and Blood runes in the event of luck. When it comes to resources, there are varieties of Adamantite ore, a grimy Torstol and Snapdragon or Runite and raw anglerfish. So needless to say, there are plenty of lucrative drops for you to gain. You may find that Brimstone Keys can be obtained for beating this particular boss, but it’s worth noting that they’re only available when you take out Skotizo while on Konar quo Maten’s Slayer task.
One of the most rare releases is The Jar of Darkness. The Jar of Darkness can be clicked to make your screen go briefly black, and the chatbox says that you see the darkness. It can be used in a player’s Achievement Gallery in a boss lair to create a display of Skotizo. It is important to note it is that the chance of dropping for this is extremely low.
James created the group
Old School Runescape Skotizo Overviews 2 years, 2 months ago
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