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The nightmare zone is a mini-game close to Yanille. In this mini-game players can battle quest-bosses in a dream state. A lot of players from OSRs visit the nightmare zone in order to develop their melee and ranged. This zone has become popular due to its AFK gameplay without the risk of dying because the nightmare zone is a completely safe mini-game.
The nightmare zone is hands down the most ideal place to train AFK in old school Runescape. It’s actually so simple to master fighting here that many players actually hate it. In the zone of nightmares, any player can score 99 attacks strength, strength and defence when watching Netflix or playing on another account or playing. Excited yet? Let’s get going by reading this comprehensive OSRS Nightmare Zone Guide.
Additionally, to the fact that you are able to easily AFK train in the nightmare zone, people also come here for the rewards. This is also the only place that lets you imbue with items like slayer’s helmets or salve amulets as well as rings such asthe ring of suffering, berserker ring as well as a warrior ring. You can also make money in the nightmare zone by using your points to purchase 15 herb boxes per day , earning 150k each day, or 4.5M monthly.
How to Get To The Nightmare Zone In OSRS
The nightmare zone is located in Yanille, the easiest way to reach it is using the mini-game menu for teleports. This is available to each player. The mini-game teleport menu can be accessible in the quest menu. It is located under the red gem icon.
Nightmare Zone Requirements
To access the zone of nightmares, you must be able to complete at least 5 quests listed below. These are quests with bosses that you will need to be able to encounter within the state of dream. There aren’t any stat requirements for the nightmare zone however, for optimal results, you must have at least 70 combat.
The nightmare zone isn’t a free mini-game. To play one or more game types, you need to pay every time. To do this you should first deposit funds into your coin purse (preferably at least 100K). To start the nightmare zone you need to talk with dominic onions (make that you’ve coins stored inside the pouch) and select the game mode you prefer. Then drink from the vial to start in the zone of nightmares.
Your First Game at The Nightmare Zone
Absorption and other potions can only be purchased with reward points earned in the zone of nightmares. Therefore, you must first play at least a couple (or one excellent) game in order to earn points that will allow you to purchase the potions. The best way to earn these points the fastest is to go into the fear zone by using prayer potions and staying there until you have at least 100,0000 points. If you fail to achieve it in one game, play another. When you reach 100K plus points from the nightmare zone reward, you can begin buying potions that absorb sound to train in the nightmare zone.
AFK Methods
Absorptions and Overloads (5 minutes)
The five-minute AFK technique is based on Overloads and Absorptions which require you to come back to the computer and re-drink the Overload, then go until 1 hitpoint. Since you’re healed to 50 Hitpoints when the Overload runs out and you are harmed frequently by monsters in the area since their max hit is now 1 or low.
Absorptions & Super Combat Potions (20 mins)
You’ll have a longer time to AFK in the event that you use Super combat potions instead Overloads as you won’t receive the 50 hitpoint boost after five minutes. But, with time, you’ll gain your hitpoints , you will still be able to continue AFK for about 10 minutes before you should decrease your health levels again and re-drink Super combat potions.
Prayer & Pray Bonus Gear (10 minutes)
When you Prayer being a priority, you must get the most effective Prayer bonus gear, Overload potions, and an extensive inventory of Prayer potions. If you have a great Bonus to Prayer, you could get up to 10-minutes with the protection prayer on. The difference to this is that you only select bosses using 1 combat style. Like I have mentioned earlier and you should be focused on bosses that utilize Melee.
Guthans on Easy Rumble (20 mins)
You are able to AFK for up to 20 minutes prior to you stop attacking with Guthans. There are no remedies for this, as the main idea is your Guthans will repair the harm you suffer. This should be done on Rumble Easy. When you Rumble Hard, even with 99 Defence, you will be destroyed by the majority of bosses.
If you’re planning to go through Guthans but you want to do Guthans, you’d be better off going to Bandit camp with a Saradomin or Zamorak item for much cheaper and much greater AFK training.
The rewards from the Nightmare Zone are located in a chest that is located near Dominic Onion, and the rewards are split by three types: Upgrades, Resources, and Benefits. These rewards can be purchased through Reward points earned within the minigame. The maximum amount of 2,147,483,647 reward points could be stored in the chest in one go.
James created the group
Old School RuneScape Nightmare Zone 2 years, 2 months ago
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